Nyhedsbrev / Newsletter March 2022

Nyheder og information fra instituttet / News and information from the department

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Hermed endnu en udgave af nyhedsbrevet fra IKM med lidt forskelligt nyt fra vores institut. I kan blandt andet læse om den store KVINFO-undersøgelse om forskelsbehandling og krænkende adfærd. Nyhedsbrevet indeholder også nyt om rapport fra Danish Life Science Cluster, der kommer med anbefalinger til, hvordan GDPR-bureaukratiet mindskes til gavn for forskning, samt lidt om en ny aftale, der gør det gratis at publicere open access i over 1300 tidsskrifter.

IKM styrker indsats mod forskelsbehandling
Institutledelsen bad sidste sommer KVINFO om hjælp til at afdække omfanget og karakteren af forskelsbehandling på baggrund af køn og uønsket seksuel opmærksomhed på vores institut. Undersøgelsen er færdig, og vi vil i institutledelsen nu analysere konklusionerne i rapporten og lægge en handlingsplan, der adresserer de udfordringer, som vi står over for. Selv om langt hovedparten af respondenterne i undersøgelsen svarer, at IKM er et trygt og behageligt sted at arbejde, så er det selvfølgelig langtfra tilfredsstillende, at mange – især kvindelige ansatte - svarer, at de har oplevet forskelsbehandling på baggrund af køn og uønsket seksuel opmærksomhed. Rapporten tegner desværre også et tydeligt billede af, at langt de færreste vælger at gå til ledelsen, hvis de har oplevelser af ovennævnte karakter – blandt andet af frygt for, at henvendelsen ikke vil blive taget seriøst, eller at det kan få negative konsekvenser for karrieren. Vi har nu taget første skridt i processen ved at få afdækket problemernes karakter og omfang, og vi har nu et stort arbejde foran os, hvor vi må se på, hvordan vi gør IKM til et endnu mere trygt og behageligt sted at arbejde for alle – uanset køn og position. Først og fremmest er det vigtigt at få aftabuiseret problemet, og vi åbent kan tale om, hvad der er acceptabel og uacceptabel adfærd, så vi får skabt et miljø, hvor man ikke behøver frygte, hvad der sker, når man siger fra over for krænkende adfærd. Det vil være et stort fokuspunkt i arbejdet fremadover. Allerede nu findes der redskaber på AU til ansatte, der har været udsat for krænkende adfærd. På AU’s medarbejdersite findes denne guide med gode råd og retningslinjer for, hvordan man skal forholde sig. AU har også en psykologordning, hvor man kan søge råd og vejledning, hvis man har brug for det. Ordningen er god og 100 procent anonym. Vi vil fra institutledelsen i mellemtiden orientere løbende om, hvordan vi fremover kommer til at arbejde med de kulturelle og strukturelle udfordringer, vi står overfor.

Aftale giver mulighed for at publicere gratis open access
Det Kgl. Bibliotek har på vegne af de danske universiteter og øvrige forskningsinstitutioner indgået en fireårig aftale med Wiley, der betyder, at forskere fra Aarhus Universitet og Aarhus Universitetshospital gratis kan publicere open access i 1360 Wiley-tidsskrifter. Aftalen gælder fra 1. januar 2022 til 31. december 2025. En lignende aftale med forlaget Elsevier for perioden 2021-2024, der omfatter 1670 tidsskrifter, blev indgået sidste år. Læs mere om Wiley-aftalen og få link til listen med tidsskrifterne, der er omfattet af aftalen her. Læs mere om Elsevier-aftalen og få link til listen med tidsskrifterne, der er omfattet af aftalen her. En oversigt over alle AUs OA-rabataftaler kan ses her

AUH er blandt de 20 bedste hospitaler i verden
Ifølge en rangering af 2200 hospitaler i det amerikanske nyhedsmagasin Newsweek, indtager Aarhus Universitetshospital en imponerende flot 19.plads på verdensplan og en 9.plads i Europa.

Listen er udarbejdet af researchere og eksperter i samarbejde med datafirmaet Statista på baggrund af tilgængelige oplysninger om kvalitet og patienttilfredshed samt vurderinger fra et stort antal sundhedsprofessionelle i hele verden.

Den flotte placering er en god anledning til at sende en stor tak og ros til alle jer, der har den daglige gang på AUH for jeres engagerede og dedikerede arbejde, der altså også bliver noteret ude i verden. Hospitalsdirektør Poul Blaabjerg siger om placeringen: Det er en stor anerkendelse af alle vores medarbejdere, at der indgår vurderinger fra sundhedsprofessionelle fra hele verden. Mest af alt glæder det mig, at vores patienter får behandling på niveau med den absolutte top.

Se listen over World's Best Hospitals 2022 https://lnkd.in/dGnAaHH4 og på Newsweeks hjemmeside

MatchPoints 2022: Få ny viden om vores forunderlige og fascinerende hjerne.
Health sætter fokus på ”Our fascinating Brain”, når MatchPoints-konferencen løber af stablen d. 5-6 maj i Søauditorierne. I løbet af konferencen vil en lang række forskere, heriblandt mange af Healths egne, udforske alle aspekter af hjernen. Konferencen forgår på engelsk, og tilmelding er åben for alle, der beskæftiger sig med eller er interesseret i hjernen. Se hele programmet og tilmeld dig her.

Rapport viser tre veje ud af GDPR-bureaukratiet
Som beskrevet tidligere ser det nu endelig ud til, at både politikere og myndigheder ser behovet for at gøre noget ved de komplicerede retningslinjer for brug af sundhedsdata, der alt for længe har været en stor hæmsko for forskningen. Både Justitsministeriet, Sundhedsministeriet og Datastyrelsen er nu gået ind i sagen for blandt andet at mindske bureaukratiet omkring GDPR-reglerne, og senest har Danish Life Science Cluster, der er den nationale klynge for life science og velfærdsteknologi, fremlagt en rapport med en række anbefalinger til, hvordan man skaber bedre rammer for forskningen, uden det går ud over datasikkerheden. I rapporten fremhæves blandt andet behovet for at lave klare vejledninger for at forhindre forskellige og modsatrettede fortolkninger af GDPR-reglerne. Det er helt i tråd med, hvad jeg sammen med mine kolleger på tre andre kliniske institutter efterlyste, da vi sidste sommer indrykkede et debatindlæg i Altinget. Rapporten kommer også med andre anbefalinger, der blandt andet adresserer problemstillinger, der ventes at blive forværret i takt med den teknologiske udvikling på flere områder. Læs mere her.

Maiken Stilling fastansat som klinisk professor
Det er med stor glæde at kunne meddele, vi på IKM har indgået en permanent aftale med Maiken Stilling, der fra 1. marts er fastansat som klinisk professor i ortopædkirurgi. Maiken Stilling er landets første kvindelige professor inden for sit felt og er internationalt anerkendt for især sin innovative forskning i ledfunktion og ledprotester og arbejder også med at forbedre forebyggelse og behandling af knogle- og ledinfektioner med antibiotika.

Health inviterer til Masterclass om Marie Curie-fellowship
Igen i år afholdes der Masterclass for Marie Sklodowska Curie-fellowship, som er et glimrende tilbud til lektorer og professorer, som vil tilknytte et internationalt forskertalent. Konkurrencen om bevillingerne er hård, men Masterclass-forløbet giver mulighed for at trykteste sin ansøgning, så den har de bedste forudsætninger for at nå gennem nåleøjet. Pladserne til Masterclass-holdet bliver tildelt efter først-til-mølle-princippet. Læs mere om Marie Sklodowska-Curie-fellowshippet her, og hvordan du kan deltage i Masterclass her.

Husk at notere ”affiliations” korrekt i forskningsartikler
Det Kgl. Bibliotek anbefaler, at klinikere angiver to ”affiliations” på forskningsartikler, således at både den kliniske afdeling og Institut for Klinisk Medicin står noteret på artiklen. Det vil automatisk sikre korrekt registrering i databasen Pure og er en forudsætning for, at man eksempelvis kan sammenligne, hvor mange artikler der udgår fra hhv. Institut for Klinisk Medicin på Københavns Universitet og vores eget IKM. Det er samtidig en forudsætning for, at regionen og hospitalet kan fremsøge artikler, som de er involveret i.

Med venlig hilsen
Jørgen Frøkiær

Dear All

We proudly present the March edition of our newsletter from IKM with a little different news from our department. Among other things, you can read about the large KVINFO study on discrimination and abusive behavior. The newsletter also contains news about a report from the Danish Life Science Cluster, which comes with recommendations on how to reduce the GDPR bureaucracy for the benefit of research, as well as a little about a new agreement that makes it free to publish open access in over 1300 journals.

IKM strengthens efforts against discrimination
Last summer, the department management asked KVINFO for help in uncovering the extent and nature of discrimination on the basis of gender and unwanted sexual attention at our department. The study is complete, and we in the department management will now analyze the conclusions in the report and lay out an action plan that addresses the challenges we face. Although the vast majority of respondents in the survey answer that IKM is a safe and comfortable place to work, it is of course far from satisfactory that many - especially female employees - answer that they have experienced discrimination based on gender and unwanted sexual attention . Unfortunately, the report also paints a clear picture that far fewer people choose to go to management if they have experiences of the above nature - among other things for fear that the inquiry will not be taken seriously, or that it may have negative consequences for the career . We have now taken the first step in the process by uncovering the nature and extent of the problems, and we now have a big job ahead of us, where we must look at how we make IKM an even safer and more comfortable place to work for everyone - regardless of gender and position. First and foremost, it is important to get the problem detabooed, and we can talk openly about what is acceptable and unacceptable behavior, so that we create an environment where you do not have to fear what happens when you say no to the discriminating behavior. It will be a major focal point in the work ahead. There are already tools at AU for employees who have been exposed to abusive behavior. On AU's employee site, there is this guide with good advice and guidelines for how to behave. AU also has a psychologist arrangement where you can seek advice and guidance if you need it. The arrangement is good and 100 percent anonymous. In the meantime, we will inform the department management on an ongoing basis about how we will in future work with the cultural and structural challenges we face.

Agreement allows for publishing free open access
The Royal Library has, on behalf of the Danish universities and other research institutions, made a four-year agreement with Wiley, which means that researchers from Aarhus University and Aarhus University Hospital can publish open access in 1360 Wiley journals free of charge. The agreement is valid from  January 1 2022 to December 31 2025. A similar agreement with the publisher Elsevier for the period 2021-2024, which includes 1670 journals, was made last year. Read more about the Wiley agreement and get a link to the list of journals covered by the agreement here. Read more about the Elsevier agreement and get a link to the list of journals covered by the agreement here. An overview of all AU's OA discount agreements can be seen here

AUH is among the top 20 hospitals in the world
According to a ranking of 2,200 hospitals in the American news magazine Newsweek, Aarhus University Hospital occupies an impressively 19th place worldwide and a 9th place in Europe.

The list has been compiled by researchers and experts in collaboration with the computer company Statista on the basis of available information on quality and patient satisfaction as well as assessments from a large number of healthcare professionals worldwide. The great position is a good opportunity to send a big thank you and praise to all of you who have the daily walk at AUH for your dedicated and dedicated work, which is also noted around the world. Hospital director Poul Blaabjerg says about the position: It is a great recognition of all our employees that assessments from health professionals from all over the world are included. Most of all, I am pleased that our patients are receiving treatment at the absolute top level.

See the list of World's Best Hospitals 2022 https://lnkd.in/dGnAaHH4 and on Newsweek's website

MatchPoints 2022: Gain new knowledge about our marvelous and fascinating brain.
Health will focus on "Our fascinating Brain" when the MatchPoints conference kicks off on 5-6 May in Søauditorierne. During the conference, a large number of researchers, including many of Health's own, will explore all aspects of the brain. The conference is held in English, and registration is open to anyone who deals with or is interested in the brain. See the entire program and sign up here.

Report shows three ways out of the GDPR bureaucracy
As described earlier, it now finally seems that both politicians and authorities see the need to do something about the complicated guidelines for the use of health data, which for far too long have been a major obstacle to research. Both the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Health and the Danish Data Protection Agency have now stepped in to reduce the bureaucracy around the GDPR rules, and most recently the Danish Life Science Cluster, the national cluster for life science and welfare technology, has presented a report with a number of recommendations for , how to create a better framework for research without compromising data security. The report highlights, among other things, the need to create clear guidelines to prevent different and contradictory interpretations of the GDPR rules. This is completely in line with what I, together with my colleagues at three other clinical institutes, called for when we inserted a debate post in the Althing last summer. The report also makes other recommendations that, among other things, address issues that are expected to worsen in step with technological development in several areas. Read more here.

Maiken Stilling is employed as a clinical professor
It is with great pleasure to be able to announce that we at IKM have made a permanent agreement with Maiken Stilling, who 1 March 1 is employed as a clinical professor of orthopedic surgery. Maiken Stilling is the country's first female professor in her field and is internationally recognized for her innovative research into joint function and joint protests and also works to improve the prevention and treatment of bone and joint infections with antibiotics.

Health invites to Masterclass on Marie Curie fellowship
Again this year, the Masterclass for the Marie Sklodowska Curie Fellowship will be held, which is an excellent offer for associate professors and professors who want to associate with an international research talent. The competition for the grants is fierce, but the Masterclass course offers the opportunity to pressure test its application, so that it has the best conditions to reach through the eye of the needle. Seats for the Masterclass team are allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. Read more about the Marie Sklodowska-Curie fellowship here and how you can participate in the Masterclass here.

Remember to note "affiliations" correctly in research articles
The Royal Library recommends that clinicians indicate two "affiliations" on research articles, so that both the clinical department and the Department of Clinical Medicine are listed on the article. This will automatically ensure correct registration in the Pure database and is a prerequisite for, for example, comparing how many articles are based on resp. Department of Clinical Medicine at the University of Copenhagen and our own IKM. At the same time, it is a prerequisite for the region and the hospital to be able to search for articles in which they are involved.

Best regards
Jørgen Frøkiær