Associate professor from Health honoured for interdisciplinary research and education
Adam Hulman from the Department of Public Health has received this year's Research Education and Networking Award from the Danish Diabetes and Endocrine Academy (DDEA) for his unique interdisciplinary work within data science, diabetes and epidemiology.

Adam Hulman is an associate professor of epidemiology, but he has a background in applied mathematics. He was born in Hungary and originally worked in finance in London. However, he made a career switch in 2011, when he decided to dedicate his life to research. In 2015, he moved to Denmark for a postdoc position, and he is now conducting research into data science and machine learning to predict a clinical outcome - particularly within diabetes.
"I’m passionate about learning more about how data science can help diabetes research, and I believe that interdisciplinary research will bring us closer to making a real difference for the patient," says Adam Hulman.
The DDEA’s Research Education and Networking Award is presented to acknowledge outstanding achievement, success and engagement in diabetes and/or classical endocrine research education and training as well as support and training of early-career researchers.
Six months ago, Adam Hulman established his research group, Hulman Lab, at Steno Diabetes Center Aarhus.
"It motivates me to see the team grow, to develop the people in the group and to create a good community. Our goal is to bridge the gap between data science and clinical research and to integrate different types of data into clinical decision-making. We want to develop apps and solutions that can make a real difference in the clinic," he says.
Associate Professor and Senior Data Scientist Adam Hulman
Aarhus University, Department of Public Health and
Steno Diabetes Center Aarhus, Hulman Lab
Telephone: +45 23 70 74 81
This coverage is based on press material from DDEA