The Coimbra Group Scholarship Programme

The Coimbra Group is an association of well-established European universities of high international standard.

Fotograf: Anders Trærup

The Coimbra Group offers the following scholarship programmes: 

Aarhus University participates in the programmes for Africa South of Sahara and for Latin America. The university offers scholarship for short research stays of 1-3 months targeting PhD students, postdocs, and young professors.


  • Number of scholarships: 4 (2 for young African researchers and 2 for young Latin American researchers).
  • Disciplins: all.
  • Financial support: reimbursememt of travel expenses up to 1000 Euros and coverage of housing and food up to 1300 Euros per month. 
  • Duration of stay: 1-3 months.
  • The AU International Centre offers support concerning all practical matters.
  • Furthermore, the International Centre will pay for a mentor if the department is able to find someone who can assist the candidate during the beginning of the stay. 



  • Preferably, the candidate has not received any Erasmus support for an earlier stay.
  • The candidate must be under the age of 45 (African applicatants) and under the age of 40 (Latin American applicants)
  • Only PhD. Students, postdocs or young professors can apply
  • Candidates must have excellent English proficiency 
  • Female applicants are prioritized 


Time frame 2014

  • Medio March:               Deadline for online application through the CG secretariat
  • Early April:                  AU receives the applications from the CG secretariat
  • Medio May:                  Deadline for candidate selection
  • 1. September:             Selected candidates may begin their stay at AU  

For further information, please contact AU International Centre: or see the Coimbra Group's web.