Site Visit at Arla Food Ingredients
Oplysninger om arrangementet
Arla Food Ingredients, Sønderhøj 14,8260 Viby J
Dear colleagues,
We would like to invite you to join us for a site visit at Arla Food Ingredients (AFI).
The site visit is hosted by Arla Food Ingredients and is the fourth in a series of events where you will have the chance to meet and network with other Food and Nutrition Network members.
Here you will be taken on a guided tour of the facilities and learn about ongoing research. At the same time, it is a nice opportunity to get a hands on experience, and interact with local researchers.
Programme for the site visit:
14:30 Welcome and introduction
14:40 AFI research capabilities and focus areas
15:20 5-min pitches: Transition from University to AFI'
15:45 AFI pilot plant tour, incl. tasting session
16:15 Refreshments and networking
Participation is free of charge.